Dec 17, 2020

5 Tips to Get Some Holiday R&R

And come back strong in 2021 

It has certainly been a year to remember, even if at times we’d mostly like to forget it. But the holidays are here and it’s time to get the physical and mental rest you’ve probably needed since July, right? So, we want to offer a few ways to recharge from the overload of stresses that have accumulated over a tumultuous 2020 and get you prepared for a new year that promises to be an amazing one for us all.

1. Leave for a while with a smile

Let people know you’re serious about enjoying your holiday break with a festive and funny out-of-office message. We know you likely have more important things to take care of, so our team pulled on their glittery red and green tights and pointy hats (our writers can be a bit weird sometimes) and got to work crafting an out-of-office message generator to bring joy to inboxes everywhere. Just enter the date you’ll be back at your desk, click the button, and, Ho Ho Ho, a custom OOO message for you.

Try it out here:

2. Breathe

Seriously, take five slow, deep breaths. That’s it. Help your brain tell your body that it’s time to slow down for a while. Feel free to use this tip literally anytime. 

3. Connect by disconnecting

We know you’re looking at a screen right now. And even though there are good tips below, we give you permission to put down your device and stop reading right now. Or, if you’re reading this on a phone, why not call a friend or loved one and catch up? Our business is making relevance, and over this past year, people helping, loving, championing, and connecting with other people has been powerfully relevant. Bring some of that power home for the holidays by making a point of putting down screens and connecting in person as much as you can. 

4. Engage your senses of the season

Do you love the smell of a freshly cut Douglas fir, or cookies just out of the oven? Or the twinkle of lights on trees and houses? This season is filled with so many delights for the senses. We’re used to paying attention to the small details to make things just right, and we know it isn’t always obvious how seemingly small things can ease us into our comfort zones. So, take time every day to enjoy the scents, tastes, sights, and sounds that make this season special for you.

5. Get into self-gifting 

One of the ways we serve our clients better is by asking, “What more can we do to make things go smoother, get better results, or save time?” Ask yourself this and gift it to yourself this holiday to make next year better.

Maybe you’d like noise-canceling headphones to help concentrate on work (when you’re ready, of course), or that don’t fall out of your ears when working out, or a fancy coffee maker to energize your mornings. It doesn’t have to be a thing though. Saving yourself some time can be equally important in giving you what you need to succeed. Get takeout a little more, or a home meal box service. Sign up for a class you’ve wanted to take for fun or to up your skills.

Whatever will give you a little boost into 2021, top it with a bow and give it to yourself, even if it’s just permission to take it easy once in a while.

Happy Holidays from HZ!