
Molly Rosenberg

When executed poorly, email marketing is little more than spam. When utilized masterfully, it can be an extraordinary tool for brands to reach consumers. Molly brings that magic to HZ and each of the clients she works with. Specializing in campaign strategy, integrated digital execution, and behavioral marketing, Molly turns the inbox into an opportunity for brands like Dormify, Rockefeller Center, Live! Casino & Hotel, and more. With 10 years of experience, her approach to email extends beyond open and click rates and focuses on providing value (and delight!) throughout the consumer lifecycle. 

Born and raised in Maryland, Molly graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a B.S. in communications. When she's not at the office, she's probably watching the Real Housewives. Oh, and she's obsessed with her Black Lab, Birdie. Birdie thinks she’s great, too, if a little bit clingy.

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